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Customer custom attributes do not save data to customer_entity table

Customer custom attributes do not save data to customer_entity table

I'm creating a rest API and I need to add a custom columns to the customer_entity table and save the value in that fields within API request.

Сreated new attributes in the customer_entity table using UpgradeSchema:


public function upgrade(SchemaSetupInterface $setup, ModuleContextInterface $context){
    $installer = $setup;


    if (version_compare($context->getVersion(), '1.0.0', '<=')) {
                'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_TEXT,
                'nullable' => true,
                'length' => 100,
                'comment' => 'Phone'

                'type' => \Magento\Framework\DB\Ddl\Table::TYPE_TEXT,
                'nullable' => true,
                'length' => 100,
                'comment' => 'Full Name'


The above code created two new fields in customer_entity table. And now I have a function that accepts data from the rest api request and creates a customer, customer is created with this code, but it does not save values to customer_entity table for phone and full_name fields.



use Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface;

use Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterfaceFactory;


public function __construct(    CustomerRepositoryInterface $customerRepository,
    CustomerInterfaceFactory $customerInterfaceFactory,

) {
    $this->customerRepository = $customerRepository;
    $this->customerInterfaceFactory = $customerInterfaceFactory;

public function createCustomer( string $fullName, string $phone, string $password ){
    try {
        $customer = $this->customerInterfaceFactory->create();
        $customer->setEmail(uniqid( '', true ) . '');


        // Set custom attributes
        $customer->setCustomAttribute('phone', $phone);
        $customer->setCustomAttribute('full_name', $fullName);

        // Save customer
        $customer = $this->customerRepository->save($customer, $password);

        return 'Customer created successfully ' . $customer->getId();
    } catch (LocalizedException $e) {
        return 'Error creating customer: ' . $e->getMessage();

If you know, please tell me how I can put a value in a customer custom attributes when creating a customer.


Re: Customer custom attributes do not save data to customer_entity table


According to standard of Magento development.

1. You need to create Phone and Full_name as EAV attribute of customer.

2. After that, save those value for particular customer according to requirements.

3. Then return those attribute value into the REST API as well.

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