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Guidelines for Using the Magento Forums
The Magento Community Forums are available to assist our community members to connect, collaborate, learn, and educate on both Magento Community and Enterprise Edition topics. Members of the Magento community volunteer their time and expertise in order to help others become successful.
Guidelines for Offering Help
- Be helpful. Be a thought leader by helping others with your expertise.
- Make sure you have read the post completely before posting a reply.
- No commercial advertising is permitted. Any posts deemed to be self-promotion, advertising, or spam can and will be removed. Posting about and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self-promotion.
- Posting jobs or soliciting services for jobs and projects is not allowed.
Guidelines for Seeking Help
- Search the forums before posting. It’s possible your question may have already been asked and answered.
- If you cannot find your issue, choose an appropriate subject line when you create your post that helps summarize the problem and then elaborate the details in the message itself. The more detailed your post is, the better chance you have to get relevant answers.
- Share as much detail as possible, including details such as the Magento version you are using.
- Make sure any new topics are posted in the most relevant sub forum. This helps to make sure the appropriate audience sees your question.
General Forum Rules
- Be respectful. Flaming or insulting users in any form in the forum, private messages, or emails will not be tolerated.
- Do not post any material that can be offensive to others or discuss illegal activity.
- Do not disguise yourself or represent another community member or company by name, avatar, or statements.
- Do not use the word Magento in your user name, screen name or in your domain name in any form or combination. Doing so causes confusion to users that you, your app, or website are an official Magento support channel, product, or service.
- Do not link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material, or might otherwise be considered offensive.
- We reserve the right to ask you to change or remove your signature or avatar at any time if it violates the community guidelines.
- Members are asked to respect the copyright of other users, sites, and media.
- If you are found to be exploiting other developers’ code, or we suspect that you are engaged in fraudulent or illegal activity in connection with your use of Magento services, we reserve the right to ban you from the Magento forums.
- The above forum rules also apply to private messaging. Abuse of the private messaging system may lead to warnings and banning from this community.
- May not contain more than 3 lines of regular or small size text, and no spaces between the lines.
- May include up to 2 external links but may not include affiliate links, duplicate links, tiny URL's or redirects.
- Are prohibited from containing explicit advertising and solicitous language.
The Magento forums are a privilege; it’s our responsibility as a community to make this a helpful space.
If you see a post that breaks any of the above guidelines, please use the Report Inappropriate Content link to notify the moderation team.
Failure to abide by these rules may result in an editing or deletion of your post. Repeat offenses may result in temporary or permanent banning. We reserve the right to ban abusers from the site.
We reserve the right to change these rules at any time.
For full Terms of Service, please reference: http://magento.com/legal/terms.
If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please feel free to reach out at any time via private message.
Developer Relations, Adobe Experience Cloud
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