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Feting List Of Orders and Customers

Feting List Of Orders and Customers

I have gone through Adobe Commerce API Docs for GraphQL, But in Orders API there is no Options to fetch the List of Orders.

For Customers API There are Options to fetch the Customer Using Customer Token, But for this we need to have customer username and password. But using Admin token I want to fetch list of Customers. Can anyone please guide me how can i do that?


Also i want to use date filter for customer, Orders, and Products, As per documentation i can use filter or search Attribute, but can't use Datetime filter on 'created_on' or 'modified_on' attribute in Adobe Commerce GraphQL API. 


Re: Feting List Of Orders and Customers

Hi @krishnendu9de9 


You may be looking for the customerOrders query 



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Re: Feting List Of Orders and Customers

Hi @Mukesh Tiwari 


Let's Say i want to fetch all the orders since Last 7 days, and Integrate to any ERP, Then how can i filter Orders on basis of Datetime.

Please Provide the Solution for same scenario for Customers as well. 



Re: Feting List Of Orders and Customers

I think solution given here might be helpful for you.

1 Create a new Module HelloWorld.
2.Create a schema.graphqls in HelloWorld/Sales/etc/ folder to extend the CustomerOrderFilterInput.


Put following codes in this file:

input CustomerOrdersFilterInput @doc(description: "Identifies the filter to use for filtering orders.") {
    created_at: FilterRangeTypeInput @doc(description: "Filters by created at.")

input FilterRangeTypeInput @doc(description: "Defines a filter that matches a range of values, such as prices or dates.") {
    from: String @doc(description: "The beginning of the range")
    to: String @doc(description: "The end of the range")

3 Use the following payload and {{your URL}}/graphql to query the customer token.

mutation {
  generateCustomerToken(email: "{{your email address}}", password: "{{your password}}") {

4 Put above token in Postman Headers Authorization with Bearer {{your token}}.

5.Use following payload to query the above customer's sales orders.

query {
    customer {
        orders(filter: { 
            created_at: { 
                from: "2021-01-02"
                to: "2021-01-04"
            }}) { 
            items { 


Hope this answer helps you.

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