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create module to add new Category in magento 2.2

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create module to add new Category in magento 2.2


I want to create module in magento 2.2 that when I run it , it will create new Category  in admin panel  catalog/category


Re: create module to add new Category in magento 2.2

Hi @danial_safaripour


okay - understand !! so here you required two things to achieve your requirements.


1st - you need to create a custom module - might be you know how to create a custom module still i am sharing the link how to create a custom module -


2nd  - important point is second one - here you need to create custom category programmatically - so in your custom module you need to add below code :


use \Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap;

$bootstrap = Bootstrap::create(BP, $_SERVER);
$objectManager = $bootstrap->getObjectManager();
$url = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$storeManager = $url->get('\Magento\Store\Model\StoreManagerInterface');
$mediaurl= $storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl(\Magento\Framework\UrlInterface::URL_TYPE_MEDIA);
$state = $objectManager->get('\Magento\Framework\App\State');
/// Get Website ID
$websiteId = $storeManager->getWebsite()->getWebsiteId();
echo 'websiteId: '.$websiteId." ";

/// Get Store ID
$store = $storeManager->getStore();
$storeId = $store->getStoreId();
echo 'storeId: '.$storeId." ";

/// Get Root Category ID
$rootNodeId = $store->getRootCategoryId();
echo 'rootNodeId: '.$rootNodeId." ";
/// Get Root Category
$rootCat = $objectManager->get('Magento\Catalog\Model\Category');
$cat_info = $rootCat->load($rootNodeId);

$categorys=array('Levis','Wranglers','Basics'); // Category Names
foreach($categorys as $cat)

$cleanurl = trim(preg_replace('/ +/', '', preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/', '', urldecode(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($url))))));
/// Add a new sub category under root category
$categoryTmp = $categoryFactory->create();
$categoryTmp->setData('description', 'description');
$mediaAttribute = array ('image', 'small_image', 'thumbnail');
$categoryTmp->setImage('/m2.png', $mediaAttribute, true, false);// Path pub/meida/catalog/category/m2.png

Here i am sharing link how to create a category progrmatically in your custom module -



so at the end - first create a custom module and then write a code for create a category programatically - then link your custom module controller/router to menu or some where and run everytime your custom module URL - it will generate a category in admin for you !


Hope it helps to you !!

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: create module to add new Category in magento 2.2

where i put this code ?? Can you Explain !