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Complex Products Setup

Complex Products Setup

Here's the situation, I have a product that has 3 attributes. A, B and C, each attribute has 3 options, A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2 and C3, so I have 3x3x3=27 products, each one has its own price that cannot be derived with the configurable products rules, at least I couldn't get it working, let's say we have 27 different prices.


I don't need to manage stock, I do need each variation to have its own SKU.


I could do this by making an attribute or simple products options with all variations, A1B1C1, A1B1C2, A1B1C3, ..., but I have products with 150 variations or so and this would make the dropdown menu quite big and confusing.


How do I setup a product page where the client has to chose one option of each attribute and each combination has its own price and SKU?


Re: Complex Products Setup

Hi @pedrogb,


You need to check this extension out:
I think it will help you out with your requirements.

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Re: Complex Products Setup

Thanks for your reply.


I'm aware there are extensions out there that could solve this issue by using simple product price instead, I don't want to use them nor hack Magento, I want to keep it has 'clean' as possible.

Re: Complex Products Setup

I'm referring the extension because your requirement can't be fulfilled using the Default Magento and you need dependable Custom Options which is fulfilled by this extension. 

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