Hi everyone,
i'm really surprise to o not find anything online that could help me with a very simple issue: limit the flat rate shipping to a specific city. I mean:
i will offer on my store 2 differet shipping methods, flat rate and courier.
The flat rate is only for the city where we are located and is delivered directly by us, the courier will serve the rest of the country and the price wil be managed directly by their own extension.
In this scenario, i need that if the customer require delivery in our city (based on city or zip code) he will see only the option "flat rate", if he require the delivery outside the city he will have the courier option..
I don;t think that this is a so strange scenario, but i did't find any information or plugin regarding it.
Many people suggest to use matrixrate, but i o not need to set prices for different location, i need to set a shipping method between 2 different METHODS (flat rate and courier) based on the zip code or city, or at least the possibility to set in magento flat rate option even the "Ship to Specific City" field
can anyone help me please?
Thanks in advance
Hi @totalfly
I have 2 suggestions for you:
1) Shipping Table Rates - this extension will help you to create a new shipping method which will meet your requirements.
2) In case you need just to restrict your existing shipping methods without creating a new one, you can check out Shipping Restrictions.
Hi @Amasty,
the problem is the following:
for example, the company is based in Milan, and hte company want to offer the delivery service as follow:
For Milan and all the zip code 211*** only Flat Rate with possibility to select the delivery time
For the rest of Italy only courier delivery calculated by their own extension, without delivery time
can you suggest the best way to do this please?
thanks a lot
@totalfly, you can submit your question to our support https://amasty.com/contacts/
You will get a detailed answer on the configuration that will suit your needs best
Hi @Amasty, i wrote here to have a solution and i will wait answer here, i cannot contact anyh single extension developer to explain my problem.. my problem is explained above.. i wait solutions. Thanks for understaning.
Dear @totalfly,
To make this feature, you can rewrite class: Mage_Shipping_Model_Carrier_Flatrate and add function as below:
public function checkAvailableShipCountries(Mage_Shipping_Model_Rate_Request $request) { if($request->getDestCity() != 'your_city' || $request->getDestPostcode() != 'your_postcode'){ return false; }else{ return parent::checkAvailableShipCountries($request); } }
I think this will work as you want.
Hope you success.
We have a solution Advanced Shipping Rates that can be helpful potentially in your case http://ecombricks.com/magento-2-advanced-shipping-rates.html.
It doesn't allow to restrict 3rd party methods but you can create 2+ custom methods instead, restrict them by city or zip or
any cart attribute (rich string functions set are avilable for manipulations). Next, create custom rates with expressions (if your courier rates calculation can be replicated with out expression builder).
A small module improvement can allow to restrict / adjust 3rd party shipping methods as well (planned for the next releases).