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Hiding sub products on grouped products

Hiding sub products on grouped products

Hi folks,


two months ago I launched my own store and started to sell online and at ebay (with me2pro). Some customers asked for discounts on product bundles so I decided to offer them.


Unfortunately neither bundled nor grouped products are the right solution because they're listing the components the bundle is made of.


Is it possible to let the bundled product look like a simple product?

The only thing I want is the calculated availbility of this product bundle depending on the stock of the products it contains.


Re: Hiding sub products on grouped products

Hi @Tobias2k


You need to customize the default Magento. Can you specify If the simple product of group product is not in stock, then what is your exact requirement?

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Re: Hiding sub products on grouped products

Hi @theMageComp


thanks for your reply.

Maybe I inartfully expressed myself. Here's an example of what I mean:


I have an active stock managment with 3 currently indivudally selling products:



Now I would like to setup an discount bundle containing 1x camera, 1x SD-Card and 2x battery.

If I set it up as an bundled or grouped product all the product it contains are listed at the frontend which is very uncommon in my country. I would like to get rid of all these lists and options:




With my current niche shopsystem there is a feature which is (translated) named "piece list". One Article could contain several other articles. If a customer buys this product it's mentioned in the shopping basket and invoices as

"you bought: 1x Bundle (containing 1x product A, 5x product B, ...)"

If one of the containing products is out of stock the whole bundle is marked as "out of stock".


I'm looking for an solution that gives me the same option: Set up an bundle product containing one or more other articles with keeping an eye on the remaining stock of each included product.

Re: Hiding sub products on grouped products

This is the magento default functionality to display all simple product on the group page product.
For the discount, you need to use magento "Catalog Price Rule" or "Shopping Cart Price Rule" option admin.

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Re: Hiding sub products on grouped products

Hello Tobias!


We have the exact same need at the moment and I see none of the answers really helpful. 


Have you been able to find a solution since your question that you don't mind sharing?


