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How can we eliminate the SKU unique properties in the SKU field?

How can we eliminate the SKU unique properties in the SKU field?

Hello, we are an auto parts online store.  Due to our business nature, some of our products use the same SKU NUM for differents vehicles . Hence, how can we eliminate the SKU unique properties which allows a part num to be used to a single vehicle or just once.


Re: How can we eliminate the SKU unique properties in the SKU field?

From a practical perspective you cannot have the same SKUs, as they are used for inventory updates. If products have the same stock keeping units and you run import, then how will Magento know which of products to update?


You can create other attribute like 'part-number' and there add values, though you will not be able to use it as identifier for your updates.



Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.