Hello Everyone. I need help.
I have 4000 images I had to resize and canvas to get them to be 295x295 for the "small_image".
My problem is this, I was able to download the images because I grabbed the URL from the CSV, now How do I upload those back into the FTP. Obviously Magento seperates the images based on the name of the product and has an alphabetic structure.
Example of how I want to upload from my local pc to ftp
MOVE C:\Desktop\images\al_control_1_pro_splash_5.jpg TO /a/l/al_control_1_pro_splash_5.jpg
MOVE C:\Desktop\images\x-fade_6_01_2.jpg TO /x/-/x-fade_6_01_2.jpg
MOVE C:\Desktop\images\ata-tube-pro-1-groot-wit_02_60.jpg TO /a/t/ata-tube-pro-1-groot-wit_02_60.jpg
MOVE C:\Desktop\images\nimbus-left.jpg TO /n/i/nimbus-left.jpg
Please remember, we are assuming the folder location of the small_images files are in this directory
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!