I've added custom fields from backend to Admin > Config > Sales. Now, I want to get their values and the details of the product added by the owner for calculating product price before displaying on product page.
Apart from this I need to check which type of gold/silver/diamond is selected. So the eqation will be 'Value from database which was selected' * 'Quantity' + 'Making Charges' = 'Final Price'
If its in PHP I can do it. But I don't know how can I do it in #Magento ? Please guide me if any one can...
Hi @GaganSingh
If you can update your question with the modules's system.xml file then you may get the answer.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<newgroup translate="label" module="sales">
<Gold1 translate="label">
<label>Gold Per Gram - 18kt</label>
<Gold2 translate="label">
<label>Gold Per Gram - 20kt</label>
<Gold3 translate="label">
<label>Gold Per Gram - 22kt</label>
<Gold4 translate="label">
<label>Gold Per Gram - 24kt</label>
<Silver translate="label">
<label>Silver Per Gram</label>
<Diamond translate="label">
<label>Diamond Per ct</label>
<Tax translate="label">
<label>Tax Percentage</label>
<comment>Do Not Include Percentage(%) Symbol.</comment>