Hello, I am a plugin developer for Magento. We recently got a mail that our marketplace submission will be delisted, because it is not compatible with the latest Adobe commerce release.
When using composer to install this enterprise version we get (doesn't matter what stability is chosen, in this example dev):
executing from commandline on linux:
composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-enterprise-edition magento.cointopay.com --stability dev
Could not find package magento/project-enterprise-edition with stability dev.
Could not find package magento/project-enterprise-edition with stability stable.
Could somebody please help so we can make our plugin ready for magento enterprise. Thanks in advance.
If you're an Adobe partner, you may want to open a ticket about getting an Adobe Commerce sandbox license, along with the relevant documentation for setup.
If not, you'll want to check out this documentation: https://adobeexchangeec.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4414451078157
Best of luck!