Our selling items price's not include GST/TAX/VAT.
If customer brought digital DSRL camera with $2000 prices in our shop with DHL carries, we will get order. Normally, if we got new order form customer, we need to create invoice and shipment.
For Invoice order with items name, original pricing, qty and total amount.
For Shipment order with items name, qty and tracking id.
And then we send item to customer. After customer got item, if i not wrong, they need to declaration for payment GST/TAX/VAT base by their country. So we’re thinking for customer happy.
So we would like to add additional second shipment (or) invoice order module in our back-end because currently, magento is not allow to edit custom price. So we can create shipment/invoice order with item name, qty and custom prices.
So customer will be get one original price with invoice (inside package box) and additional second shipment/invoice for custom declaration. so they can declaration with less price (or) no need declaration items by showing additional second shipment/invoice paper.
Is it possible to do like that? (or) can we use any recommend extension? Please advice for me.