I have 2 problems related to Attributes which sound so simple but I'm not being able to resolve, I think Magento must have some kind of settings somewhere that does exactly what I need but can't figure out where! Hope someone can help me!
Problem 1 is being able for an attribute filter (say Colour) to have multiple option selected. I.e. customer may want to see both blue and white products in a listing page, or products both between 10-19,99 and 20-29,99. Etc. Sounds silly but I can't find where this setting is to enable multi select options of the same attribute.
Problem 2 is being able to stop an attribute appearing on some listing pages. I.e. I have a "Shape" attribute for Cushions, but this is not only appearing on Cushions list page but also on say "All textile" or "All products" list pages, which makes it pointless as for say bags, or scarfs you don't want to know if it's rectangular or squared. I think there must be an easy way to set an attribute to only appear on a certain page or to hide it from another page. But can't find it
Really hope someone can help me! Thanks in advance for that!
Hi Valeria,
In Magento 2.x, you can navigate to Stores --> Attributes-Products.
Then, select an attribute that you want to edit (ex. Shape).
You'll then see a menu called Attribute Information with 3 options. Select Storefront Properties.
There you'll find options that you can enable and disable like "Visible on Catalog Pages on Storefront" and "Used in Product Listing". Among the options are "Use in Layered Navigation" and "Use in Search Results Layered Navigation". Layered Navigation is another way of describing the search filters that you wrote about. These settings will help you to control how your attributes are used and where they're displayed.
Search Filters should only appear if relevant products are in a category. So if you're in a category or search results page without any products that use an attribute, that attribute shouldn't appear in the Layered Navigation.
You can also create additional attribute fields just the layered nav (search filters). When you go to Add a New Attribute, you'll have the option of selecting the "Catalog Input Type for Store Owner". Multi-select is one of the options. This could work for tagging and filtering products between 10-19.99 and 20-29.99 as you described.
Best of luck!
Hi Robert and thank you very much for your help!
I tried to do what you suggested for the multi-select but noticed it appears only on new attributes. Whenever I try to edit an existing one (i.e. colour or price) the multi-select option isn't there or the field type can't be amended (price). Any idea why? I've attached 2 screenshots.
For the 1st question, I tried several different combinations of what you mentioned already, layered nav, use in catalog pages or listing, but none works. My explanation might be a bit confusing sorry, when you say that a filter should only appear if relevant products are in a category yes I do understand that, and indeed that's what happens. But say I have a category called "All products" including bags, cushions, towels, lamps, etc. The attribute "Shape" is for cushions, and cushions are in the listing, so it appears. But it looks stupid as it's not relevant for anything else. Can I hide it/stop it somehow? Hope this makes more sense now, sorry if it wasn't clear.
Thanks again!