I have many products where the final price depends on which fabric/colour (leather red/fabric red) and which size (different furniture modules) is choosen.
Which is the best product type to choose and how to set it up that the price changes as the customer in front end changes the option?
Also, the colour should be selectable by small thumbnails showing the colour rather than having a drop down menu.
Thank you
When customers select options to modify a product, use a configurable product.
IE: A couch available in "red or blue" and in "fabric or leather" should be created as a configurable product. You should have an attribute assigned to each child product for "fabric color" and "fabric type". The child products should then be assigned to a configurable product. The price is based on the child product.
Magento 1.9 comes with support for configurable swatches http://magento.stackexchange.com/questions/45948/how-to-use-magento-1-9-1-0-configurable-swatches-in... (the name you use for the swatch should match an image uploaded to /media/swatches/ - "red" would be /media/swatches/red.jpg.
Living room sets, bedroom sets, dining sets, ect should be created as bundle products.
If you need help creating a configurable product, there are some great videos on youtube that will walk you through the process.
Thanks for the info.
For the colour selection through thumbnails, where do I upload them to with the specific colour photo/pattern photo and where do I set the thumbs?
Also, if a couch could exist of 5-8 different modules, how should I create the "parent" couch to be able to add other modules?
Thanks again
Hi guys,
I've a kind of product that can be personalized in leght dept and then with accessories.
Now I've created a bundle product with inside simple products with each misure combination possibile and with accesories needed. It's the right way according to you? Or there's a better way to combine this 2 aspect?
Now I'd like to make change the image with the chose of different accessories. There's a way to do that?
Thank you!