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are all these features of magento available in open source edition ?

are all these features of magento available in open source edition ?

just was viewing these features list on the site :


want to know are all these features available in open source edition also ?? 



Also can we add multiple marchants/sellers to one site and make marketplace ??


Re: are all these features of magento available in open source edition ?

Hello @sporty2015


Yes, you found the correct link which includes all the features of open source Magento ecommerce platform. 

Magento has 2 editions 1. Community edition (open source) 2. Enterprise edition (Paid)

From the pdf, 1 to 6 pages contains the features of community edition and then there is a list of enterprise edition features.


Community edition doesn't include Marketplace functionality by default but yes we can help you with your requirements. You can contact us and we will be happy to help you out.





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Re: are all these features of magento available in open source edition ?

are there any free/paid plugin/addons for setting up marketplace on magento 

Re: are all these features of magento available in open source edition ?

Yes you can choose marketplace module and addons here