I have setup a custom option called "Delivery date" for every product in my e-com site. user selects a date here to indicate when he/she wants delivery of the product. I would like to have this delivery date in the new order email that is sent out.
For example - suppose a custome select the delivery date as 31-July-2015, I would like the new order email suject line to read something like "<store name>: new order # xxxxxxx for 31-July-2015" instead of current subject line "<store name>: new order # xxxxxxx"
Is there a simple way of achieving this? is there a variable like {{store name}} which can be used?
You need to override Magento files for making change into the email template, because the custom data are not being passed to order in simple way. Because you need to maintain this data in Magento structure.
Thanks @theMageComp.
I was hoping for an easy way out. Thanks anyways.