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how to add liquid product

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how to add liquid product

hello everyone, i'm new to this community, i just made a Magento website but i had a question that i'll be glad if you help me with Smiley Happy 


I've a liquid products and it should be have deferent amount of wight starting from 15ml,60ml,125ml till about a gallon and i want to add an attribute that help me define quantity by the liquid wight

it's like if i had 2 gallons and i choose for example 250ml and the gallon let's say contain 1000ml then it should say that i can take 8 of the 250ml size , is it possible ? 

thanks in advance  


Re: how to add liquid product

@ahmed_apoelezz  It seems like you have products into liquid but the real challenge is allow to add QTY by liquid weight. So this not only possible by adding attribute you required more stuff in order to achieve this. like wise change behavior of checking qty stock with liquid stock.


Magento Programmer | Was my answer helpful? You can accept it as a solution.

Re: how to add liquid product

@GauravMehta04 so do you know any online tutorial to help me achieve that or anything similar to it using the developing way not the front-end because i think it will not be fully possible in front-end , i can work fine with PHP i just didn't work it with a CMS before 

Re: how to add liquid product

@ahmed_apoelez this is best tutorial to start with as you already know PHP so could easily learn it or acquire help of any Magento developer.



Magento Programmer | Was my answer helpful? You can accept it as a solution.

Re: how to add liquid product

Hi @ahmed_apoelezz,

You could probably utilize some third-party extension to achieve this goal. Something like this can help you to customize measuring units and quantity fields by using individual settings for your products.

Hope this helps!

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Re: how to add liquid product

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