I am looking to create a rules that will discount each extra item $3.
So 2 -3
3 items -6
4 items -9
and so on.
If I create a rule it will subtract 2 item -6 3 items -9 etc... 3 dollars too much because it counts the first item.
i am running 1.9
I can create 100 rules to work for 2-101 items with a macro but that's seem like it will slow down website.
Thank you for any help.
bump, still looking for a solution
I'm not really sure what exactly is your plan, but did you consider tier prices to achieve something similar?
Tier pricing could work from what I saw but I would need to setup tier for every quantity so same problem.
I just want to offer $3 off for each addition item in shopping cart. Buy 1- get 0 buy 2 get $3 off but 3 get $6 off etc...