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GA4 MBI Support

Re: GA4 MBI Support

Hi devsharepr1ff5,


Thank you for reaching out to us.


Any integration tile being shown in 'available for upgrade' section means the integration needs to be enabled for the given MBI Customer. While most of them are chargeable, Google Analytics is free.


The prompt you mentioned in your query is a way to notify MBI Support teams that you would like to enable the given integration.


This will not replace/disturb any existing GA3 (Universal Analytics) integrations.


Just to let you know, we will release the GA4 integration soon. We will keep you informed about it.

Adobe Commerce Intelligence Team

Re: GA4 MBI Support

Hi there,


is there any updates on connecting GA4 with MBI?

Re: GA4 MBI Support

Hi josuareynad25c,


Thank you for reaching out to us.


GA4 integration was completed during Aug, 2023 from our end. We had informed all our Customers via in-app message in Commerce Intelligence (aka MBI).


Please refer to our user guide for more information


Our webinar Manage Data Sets (at timeline 06:53) covers the self-service steps related to GA4 integration.


Please let us know in case of any further information.


Adobe Commerce Intelligence Team