I’m new to Magento and currently running my own bussiness. The Magento 2 store was welcomed by most of my customers but also got some complaints. For the configurable products, they can not buy different children products at one time and have to select one by one. So anyone can suggest me any solutions to this problem by either configuration or extension ? Many thanks.
Hi @charliedt For this problem, the default Magento does not support choosing many children products at once so sadly you can not change it by configuration. But no need to be worried much. This can be easily solved by an extension named Configurable Product Grid Table View For Magento 2
As you can see in the above image, the extension allows customer to select quantity for each child product and add all products to cart by one simple “Add to cart button”. It also feature:
For more detail you can CLICK HERE to ask more and get free support! Hope this can help you with developing your business.
You can also try Store Manager for Magento application. It allows to generate associated simple products automatically from attributes in 2 clicks.
Check this article with video and see how it works in action -
You can download 2-week fully-functional version from the link in my signature to check how it works.
Hi @charliedt, you might try looking at grouped products instead of configurable products. This way they can see the group together but pick the individual products they want to add to their cart.
Here's a bit more information for 1.x: http://docs.magento.com/m1/ce/user_guide/catalog/product-grouped.html
And also for 2.1: http://docs.magento.com/m2/ce/user_guide/catalog/product-grouped-products.html
Hi @charliedt with the new Add Multiple Products To Cart for Magento 2, you can add many products to cart without loading the product page.
The module supports:
Check out HERE for more support from our experienced team
Why not to create a grouped product and convert it into a checklist? See example here - http://demo.itoris.com/mage2/fitness-check-list-grouped-product-with-options-example-2.html
Try the Grouped Product Options for Magento 2 to achieve that.
Hope it will be of help.
Best regards,