hey there looking for magento 2 email template extension.
could anyone recommend one. basically needed to aesthetics only
Hello @mantas_bernatav
Can you specify your requirements what exactly you are looking as Magento itself have that marketing tool for email templates.
Here you can refer official document
I haven't spent much time with any of these, but this seems to be one of the best: https://marketplace.magento.com/weltpixel-m2-weltpixel-enhanced-email.html
There are alternatives, like:
Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of reviews to go by, but the WeltPixel extension is included with their Pearl theme which I've heard good things about: https://marketplace.magento.com/weltpixel-m2-theme-frontend-weltpixel.html
Best of luck!
Check out some solutions that will meet all of your requirements
Advanced Form for Magento 2
Advanced Newsletter for Magento 2
Please check this module https://swissuplabs.com/magento-email-templates.html. It allows to easily change email templates.