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Menu that handles up to 5 levels of subcategories and long lists ( Scroll in menu or multi-column)

Menu that handles up to 5 levels of subcategories and long lists ( Scroll in menu or multi-column)


I have searched and tried many menu extensions but not found any that works right for me.

I need one that can handle long lists of categories and up to 5 levels in drop-down.

Scroll in drop-down menu or multi-column drop-down would work fine. 

It also need to hide not used and activated categories.

Is there anyone that knows about a menu extension that can handle that or maybe want to help me make one?


Like this ( this is our old site in Woocommerce and we are building a new in Magento )

when we are trying to do this in Magento it disappear behind the bottom of the browser frame because it get to long.









Re: Menu that handles up to 5 levels of subcategories and long lists ( Scroll in menu or multi-colum

Hi there,

You should the Menu Manager by Scandiweb a try -


Hope this helps.

