Please, take a look at the Advanced Reports extension. It comes with 9 types of reports, including those, you need.
Have a nice day!
Magento 2 Advanced Reports extension comes with two new reports which are not supported by Magento default: Sale by location report and Repeat customer rate report. These reports play essential roles in understanding stores’ customers and managing regional sales. Moreover, figures can be reported in selected time, be compared with the previous period and be displayed as line charts. This makes data processing much easier and quicker.
You will probably need custom reports for the store, you can take Free Advanced Reports extension - Mageplaza. With main features:
You can look more extension must have for your store here.
Hi @ari_mandel
Consider this extension which should satisfy your needs.
If you can't find all the needed options.
We can customize the extension for your needs.
This M2 extension covers almost all requested features and displays a sales report directly on the product edit screen in admin:
And it's free!
> It should also be able to filter by product manufacturer, and to group by year/month/day/order.
This is not provided by the extension out-of-the-box but be custom developed as an addon.