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Simple Configurable Products Extension

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Simple Configurable Products Extension


I looking for an extension like (Simple configurable product). I had already installed: .

But on my magento when I use it and I want to re-index my products there are to me impossible to reindex. I'm looking for another extension of the same style.

Thank you


Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension



What is it that you a looking to do with the Simple Conf. products extension ?


And you write, that you are not able to re-index the shop, when the extension is installed, what errors are you experiencing from Magento, and what version of Magento are you running?



-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

The problem that appears is : Problem during the indexing process


I would like to that simple product associated with the configurable product displays the prices and images. I have several color and image for each single product type

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

Ok - not much information on the re-index issue then Smiley Sad


If I understand you correctly, you would like to display images of the simple product that is attached to the conf. product.


Ex. your selling t-shirts.


Conf. product is T-shirt.

Simple product: T-shirt/Black

Simple product: T-shirt/Red

Simple product: T-shirt/White

Simple product: T-shirt/Pink


Then all the simple product should have their own image ?

So when a customer chooses the Black T-shirt, image will change to the black version ?


Is this correct ?



-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

Yes. The price should also amend

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

This you should be able to do without a module.


Make the the conf. product as normal.

Then open each simple product and attach the images. Move all 3 radio button under the Images tab to align with the image.


Then go to System > Configuraiton > Catalog > Configurable Swatches > Enable YES.

Check the other tabs there for further customization.


For pricing - I assume that the Black could be 10 USD more than the RED, etc... This can also be done natively in Magento.

Under the Conf. product > Assosiated products , you can add a value the field: "Super product attributes configuration"


Let me know if this helps you Smiley Happy


-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

Hello Kevin, 


Perhaps the Configurable Products Pro extension could be of interest to you. 


It allows one to generate simple associated products in bulk based on selected attributes. Before you click "Generate", you can set future products' Name, Price, SKU, Weight, Availability, Quantity, Visibility and Status.


The generated products will then be conveniently displayed in one single table where you can delete any simple products you don't need, edit them, etc. 

configurable products pro


Aitoc is a group of distinguished web developers that have been building for Magento since 2009.
See our extensions for Magento 2.

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

Hello, I just finished my simple product I turn to the configurable product. I'm having a trouble to the configurable product. I allocate 4 colors, 12 sizes and 12 different prices. When I select a color size it should show me the price information in the simple product but it does not display the price of my simple product

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

UP !

Re: Simple Configurable Products Extension

In default Magento, prices of simple products do not affect the price of the main Magento configurable product. The price of a simple product is used when a simple product is displayed in the catalog individually.


To change the price of a configurable product accordingly when a customer selects different simple product included into it, you need to set up the price dependence for configurable attributes under Associated Products:


You can read more about this feature at (point 7) or at 


Hope this helps!


Aitoc is a group of distinguished web developers that have been building for Magento since 2009.
See our extensions for Magento 2.