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Stock Value

Stock Value

Hello to the community,
I am looking for a module magento 1.9 which makes it possible to calculate the value of the stock (purchase price) for the accounting.
There are several supplies for the same product (same SKU) but with different purchase prices.
Thank you


Re: Stock Value


If I understood you correctly, you have a few suppliers and they offer the same products, but for different prices. Let's say if you need to sell the product from supplier who offers it for the highest price, you can do it during import via Store Manager for Magento application.


You can set up automated imports using this app, updating stock on schedule from several suppliers, applying special Expression formula (similar to Excel formula) during upload:



instead of INDEX should be number of column of CSV with price.


This formula means that in case in file the price is bigger, it will be assigned to product, if the price in file is lower, then price from file will be ignored and current price will be kept.


You can download 14-day free trial version from the link in my signature to check how it works. We also have free support and step-by-step documentation.




Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.