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That can set up a global option set for grouped products?

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That can set up a global option set for grouped products?

I'm currently trying to set up a grouped product page in Magento where you can select an option (color in this case) and have that apply to ALL the grouped products in the page rather than have to set the option on each product individually.


This page here actually has 2 configurable products grouped together.  Used an extension called:


This is the page for it:


Notice that you have to use both dropdowns to select color before you can submit (typical). How can I enable 1 single dropdown (or swatch set) at the top of the page that will set the color for both of the towels? Is that possible?


Essentially what I'm trying to do is already functioning on the live site on shopify:


You just pick the color, enter the quantity then add to cart, done.


I can clarify more if needed but all in all I just want to avoid having to set the option for each individual towel. I've already done a lot of researching and can't seem to find anyone else with a similar product experience using Magento.

Any insight to point me in the right direction would be great, thank you!