We need some help finding an extension or a solution for using credit memo’s for returns for our wholesale business.
We run a wholesale website where all our wholesale customers are on 30 days accounts (they get 30 days credit to pay their account – no payment is taken at the time of order)
1 - Credit memo for returns – We need to be able to process offline returns from customers using the credit memo’s
We do not want to send a replacement product or refund payment using the credit memo for out site as the stores have will not have paid their accounts (they are 30 day accounts).
The stores need a credit to be in the system showing for when they pay their account at the end of the month.
So for example at the end of the month:
Invoice 1 $100
Invoice 2 $100
Credit Memo $50
The stores will pay $150 at the end of the month.
We need to Mark credit memo as used – so it can be checked off as used in our accounting system – so it does not get used again.
Is anyone doing anything like this currently or is there an extension for this. Is this even possible?
2 - Apply credit memo to user account without selecting order to credit – we would like to be able to apply a credit memo to an account/user without selecting the an order to credit – are you able to edit magento to make this possible or is there an extension that can do this?
Thanks in advance for your help.