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We need Help With M2Epro and Magento!

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We need Help With M2Epro and Magento!

Help! We are having trouble finding someone to help us with Magento Community 1x and M2Epro. It's been frustrating since we don't need a developer. We are a small family owned business and we need someone who can help us set up things correctly, teach and train. Everywhere we look there are listings for developers and hi tech help which is not what we need. 

For instance:
1) We have used M2Epro for years, but we have installed the Amazon App but need help setting it up and how to use it.

2) We need someone to help us pick the right shipping software like Shipstation and show us how to use it

3) While we have used Magento and M2Epro for years, we know we are doing many things wrong and there are easier ways to do this. 

4) We welcome ideas and help on how to change things on our website.


If you, or someone you know, knows how to USE M2Epro and Magento - not program - we are an ideal company to work for freelance. We are rarely in a rush, take advice, easy to work with. We hate reading manuals and do need someone who is fluent in English. 

Can you help? Or do you have a suggestion on how to find someone to help us that is not a developer? 




Re: We need Help With M2Epro and Magento!



We completely understand your problem and the situation you are in.

We provide consulation and support services to people who need help in configuring and setting up their magento website.


Please contact us here: and we'll help you out with anything. Please note that initial consulation is free of charge. So, you can get in touch with us and discuss things even if you're not sure if you need our services or not.


Best Regards,

Team MageCube