Bonjour !
Je rencontre un problème sur mon site magento 1.8.1.
J'utilise l'extension HTML5 uploader pour upload mes images produits.
Quand je clique sur parcourir je choisis mon image, elle s'affiche bien dans la case image, j'ai le bon aperçu.
Sauf que, quand je sauvegarde le produit, elle disparait !
Si quelqu'un a des idées je sus preneur ^^
Merci d'avance.
@erwin_lebreton please check few things.
1.Check max_execution time
2.Check post_max_size
3.remove the var/cache/* and then check if it is shown.
4.check the storage of server.
@erwin_lebreton go to index.php on the root of magento directory and add the below code and check.
ini_set('display_errors',1); ini_set('memory_limit',-1); ini_set('max_execution_time',1);
@erwin_lebreton after applying this try to upload the image.
If it is uploaded successfully then it works otherwise it will show you the error or we can go for another solution.
So I redid the image upload and here is the result
@erwin_lebreton not able to see the image as it is visible once moderator approved it.
So please share the link of the image.
Voici l'erreur quand je laisse la ligne de code suivant dans le php.ini :
@erwin_lebreton you have to add this code in index.php but i think you have add this php.ini which is wrong.
So please add this code in index.php and share the result.
Also i am not able to see the image as it is not approved by moderator so please share the link of the image.