1. May I know if there are any local sales team in India?
2. Can I re-sell Magento?
3. Does Magento have white label feature?
4. How do I get the License for the tool? Is the License for lifetime or on annual basis?
5.Does the tool have discount types like:
Hi @Nivi_s
Can you clarify your following questions
1. May I know if there are any local sales team in India?
Do you want to contact Magento sales team? They do not have a sales team in India.
You should contact them using https://magento.com/contact-us
2. Can I re-sell Magento?
What do you mean by resell Magento?
You can customize Magento as per you needs, but you can not sell it as your product after modifying it.
3. Does Magento have white label feature?
4. How do I get the License for the tool? Is the License for lifetime or on annual basis?
Magento community edition is free. For the Enterprise edition you need to purchase a license.
For last two points you can visit my last answer to you https://community.magento.com/t5/India/Queries-regarding-the-features/m-p/53769#M91
Hi @Nivi_s, please get in touch with our sales team using https://magento.com/contact-us. They should be able to answer your questions.
The question that have been listed are still not clear. I have contacted Magento via the link given however I have not received the answer to my queries.