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I'm still a bit confused from the topics I've found, so my understanding is that the built in plugin is deprecated and shouldn't be used. So the only option is to use a third party one? In that case it seems half of them charge over $100 and half are free?


So what are you guys using, as the free ones have zero reviews.... so what I need to pay to get a working module (with reviews) or should I just use the free unreviewed one?


What are you guys using?


Thanks Smiley Happy 



To expand upon this I was able to see that


Had a "free" version of their CIM module, I've followed the instructions to install however the module never shows up under Payment Methods.


I followed the instructions from 

If you purchased from;


Which says 

Upload all files within the upload folder into the root directory of Magento.


So that has /upload/app which then has /upload/app/code/ParadoxLabs/


Now their instructions seem to indicate to just upload "/upload/app/" which would essentially overwrite the magento /app directory. So instead all I did was upload the /code/ folder and the subdirectory. 


So on the magento server I now have /app/code/ParadoxLabs/


I then run the commands the document mentions and get no errors;

[x@cpanel1 public_html]$ php bin/magento module:enable -c ParadoxLabs_TokenBase ParadoxLabs_Authnetcim
[x@cpanel1 public_html]$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
[x@cpanel1 public_html]$ php bin/magento setup:di:compile
[x@cpanel1 public_html]$ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


However when I load the magento page there's no new modules in Payment Methods. 


Anyone have luck installing this module? For note its on a cpanel server and I issued the commands via ssh shell into the account specific to this install 




Well this is unfortunate...