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Magento 2: jQuery Datatables Button Extentions Not Working

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Magento 2: jQuery Datatables Button Extentions Not Working

I'm new to Magento 2.3, I'm trying to apply jQuery DataTable(DONE), after than, I want to add it's Button Extention, for that i need to add two more js, so i initialize it, but getting error in console, Here is my code:



 var config = {
    map: {
   '*': {
       dataTables: 'EC_Downloads/js/datatables.min'



require(['jquery', 'jquery/ui','dataTables'], function($){ 
            dom: 'Bfrtip',
            buttons: [


Initializing other two Js `button.js`, `button_print.js` like this:

These files are added in:



<script type="text/x-magento-init">
        "*": {


Getting this error:

Screenshot from 2019-05-29 14-48-31.png



Re: Magento 2: jQuery Datatables Button Extentions Not Working

Hi @Partab Saif 


Not able to see attached error screenshot. Can you please upload this image to third party and share URL here.




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Re: Magento 2: jQuery Datatables Button Extentions Not Working

Hey @PankajS_Magento , Please click this link you'll find an image....


Click Here For Error Image....