We have just bought the Magento software. Our download is in Applications on Mac but we're having trouble moving to step 3.1 of the guide book. It tells us to back up the Magenton file by going to System, Tools and Compilation to disable the compilation mode.
It is driving us nuts. Please HELP!!!
Thank you for your precious help.
@virginie Could you explain what is step 3. Because most of users do not have access to the Magento enterprise edition.
If you can explain the issue in detail some one may be able to help.
Sorry, we made a mistake. Our software is Magento 1.
Thanks for your help.
The steps you mentioned are to disable Compilation, not Backup.
Do you want to disable Compilation before running Backup?
What are you trying to achieve?
We are trying to disable compilation before running back up and we are lost. We are currently working on a Mac.
Thanks for your help.
To disable Compilation, you will just need to go to Magento Admin --> System --> Tools --> Compilation.
What problems are you facing?
The problem is we don't know how to get to Magento Admin, System, Tools ... on the Mac.
It may sound silly but that' s the problem we are facing.
Thanks for your help.
Have you installed Magento yet? Where is it installed or where do you plan to install it?