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Issues with Some email not sending 1.9

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Issues with Some email not sending 1.9

 Was having problems with the contacts  form sending the message. What I ended up doing was changing the store email for the contact form to my own personal email and they would now send/be received. The store email   Seems to be working as people are able to emails and we receive it but when using that email address in magento 1.9 we don't seem to receive orders or contact messages from clients. But if I change it to my personal email address we receive it. Any ideas what might be causing this ?  They are not even showing up in your junk folder 


Re: Issues with Some email not sending 1.9

First of all, Magento 1.9+ send transactional emails as "background process" using the Magento crontab system. If you haven't already setup Cron for your Magento store then you need to setup now for sending emails.

You can check out this guide on how to setup the Magento cronjob -


Follow the steps below to setup Cron job -

First of all, make sure you have set up Cron tasks in the `

Magento admin under System > Configuration > Advanced > System > Cron
The default settings are:


Generate Schedules Every 15
Schedule Ahead for 20
Missed if Not Run Within 15
History Cleanup Every 10
Success History Lifetime 60
Failure History Lifetime 600

You then need to go into your hosting control panel and set up Cron jobs. In cPanel, it’s under Advanced > Cron Jobs. Set them up to run every five minutes and use this command:



php -f /home/username/public_html/cron.php

Check that the above path is correct and that the file cron.php is actually there in the root of your Magento installation.


If this is not the case, you can check the database table: core_email_queue


The emails that should have been sent should be in this queue, if not you should check your system configuration again, and maybe check on the store view your orders are from, to make sure the setting is not different under specific store view.

If the emails are there and have a date in the column processed at. You should check your Servers email log since the receiver might be rejecting your emails, If it's on a Linux machine, it's usually found in /var/log/mail.log


We have written a blog post here explaining how to setup CRON in Magento, I think this might explain in great detail.


Re: Issues with Some email not sending 1.9

We set up the Cron. It's not the problem, like I said one email address works the other does not. 

Re: Issues with Some email not sending 1.9

When Magento emails can not be sent out, you need to check several things to find where is the cause then figure out the corresponding solution. Try this instruction in our new place built for all Magento-knowledge seekers