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Stock level problem

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Stock level problem

Hi on a lot of products the stock level is 0 or below. For example on product X I have -5 as the level and to bring it to +1 I need to add 6 in to the inventory. I don't know what is happening but is it possible to reset all the negative stock levels to 0 and then update them accordingly to the warehouse levels?


Thank You.


Re: Stock level problem



Yes, you can set the product stock. For that either you can export that product again using csv with updated quentity Or you can create a php script to increase the product quantity.

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Re: Stock level problem

Hi, I have managed to make a CSV with following fields:


SKU            QTY

11111            0





I upload this and the total quantity is updated fine. However the Available quantity is -3. How Can I update this. Can someone clarify the difference between total and available?

Re: Stock level problem

Hi @Scitec,

Are you running a multistore setup ?


Total is the "total" stock qty and available is the qty, which can be sold.

Could you have some kind of setup, deducting any qty from the total, if the total and available qty doesn't match ?


Could be something like:

- Abon. carts / Reservations ?

- Creditmemos with qty not returned to stock ?


Let us know how you setup your store and stock settings in the admin for better responses Smiley Happy

-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist

Re: Stock level problem



There is not a multi store setup. I am using the magestore free extension for inventory management. If I go to catalog > product > Inventory I am unable to adjust the QTY level from there. Manage stock is "yes" use global config is set.


However if I go to inventory (the mage extension) and click adjust stock I am presented with the option to adjust the Total Qty. The total qty for item X is 10. But the available quantity is 0. (However I have 10 in stock in the warehouse).  This item is showing out of stock in front and back end.


I need to adjust the available qty which I am unable to do unless I update the total quantity to 20 from 10 only then it will show available quantuity as 10 :/

Re: Stock level problem

Hi again @parvy,


If you disable the Mage extension, can you get the qty to work "normal" ?


Sounds like the extension is messing up std. magento inventory management ?


What module is it, could you post a link to it.




-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist

Re: Stock level problem

Hi there, I am using the free "lite" version of this. There is a demo available of the lite version here at:





I have also noticed the not all the products from my catalog are showing in there either. For example product X has two sizes 120 and 330. But the 330 is not showing although it is in the catalog. I will await you to check this extension before I uninstall it Smiley Happy

Re: Stock level problem

I don't know this module.


But they have answered your questions about Total vs. Avail.... see the section:


Stock Management

It’s a hassle for everyone when having to deal with thousands of SKUs, especially for newbie. Inventory Management eases the task by showing product images & bringing all data needed to the forefront, from total Qty. to available Qty. in a warehouse

See the 2 small descriptions above the picture Smiley Happy


But again, maybe you need to talk to their support, because I think their module needs an adjustment ?


-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist

Re: Stock level problem

I am currently speaking to their support team. Would you recommend any other extension for better stock management? Thank You.

Re: Stock level problem

Hi @parvy,


This depends on your specific needs ?


Is standard magento stock management not enough to supply your demands ?


-- Best regards --
Kent Christiansen | Magento Certified Solution Specialist