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Stuck on Magento Configuration

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Stuck on Magento Configuration

Excuse me, im a newbie users, 

i hve a problem when i installing magento stack, 
I use XAMPP, 

i've created Database in localhost/phpmyadmin,
i fill all the form, like Host, Database Name, Username, User Password 

when i click Continue, it brings me to the same page.


Any solutions ?




Re: Stuck on Magento Configuration

Make sure the "User Name" field is filled in with the MySQL username. Also make sure you reloaded privileges in MySQL.


This refreshing of the page is usually an error with Magento notbeing able to access the database in MySQL in some fashion.

Re: Stuck on Magento Configuration

I'll try it, thanks

Re: Stuck on Magento Configuration

It is doing the same thing and both things you suggested did not work. Windows 7 WAMP

Re: Stuck on Magento Configuration

As you are using localhost as your Base URL, be sure to check / tick / select the Skip Base URL Validation Before The Next Step option. 

Re: Stuck on Magento Configuration

First, you need to add (or edit) your system.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



        <inchoo translate="label" module="mymodule">

            <label>Inchoo Extensions</label>





        <inchoo translate="label" module="mymodule">

            <label>Extension Options</label>








                <inchoo_group translate="label" module="mymodule">

                    <label>My Extension Options</label>








                        <inchoo_input translate="label">

                            <label>My Input Field: </label>

                            <comment>My Comment</comment>







                        <inchoo_select translate="label">

                            <label>My Dropdown: </label>

                            <comment>Source model provider Magento's default Yes/No values</comment>














Then, in order to use Magento’s configuration section, you need to add (or edit) your extension’sconfig.xml file, and define models and helpers locations.




















And finally, you need to edit your extension’s config.xml file again, in order to avoid “Permision denied.” problem.
Insert this part of XML into inside “<config></config>” tags:





                <title>Allow Everything</title>









                                        <title>Inchoo - All</title>











And if you’ve done everything correctly you should see something like this:


To retrieve data saved in your configuration, you should use something like this:


Or this:
