Does not enabling mhash, imagemagick and only having PHP memory_limit=1G prevent you from upgrading Magento 2?
mhash is a required PHP extension so you won't be able to install Magento 2 without it. ImageMagick or gd is required, but not both (you can have either). The memory limit required depends, but 1 GB should suffice. You should be able to override this easily, though, either in a php.ini or .htaccess file.
According to the Sys Engineers at my hosting data center, `mHash` has been deprecated for years and is not even part of current PHP to be enabled.
`hash` has replaced it.
So are you saying that you cannot in any way shape or form run Magento 2 without enabling `mHash` @SindreM
You are right. It will work fine with the 'hash' extension. I double checked and we are in fact running several M2 sites on our servers with only hash (not mhash) so the Magento requirements should be updated.
Ok, thank you for confirming @SindreM