Magento gives this error for pdo_mysql extension not installed, but I have already installed pdo_mysql extension. Please have a look at my PHP info. Can anyone help?
My PHP info:
Not sure exactly, but this may happen because you use PHP 7.3+ which is not as yet recommended version for Magento 2. As workaround, try to use PHP 7.2
Hello @chuong_lam
Magento 2 supports php version of 7.2 and 7.1 Please refer the following link and verify the system requirements again. https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/system-requirements-tech.html
I hope this will help you. If it helps you, please accept it as solution and give kudos.
The pdo module may be disabled. Run this command to enable it:
sudo phpenmod pdo_mysql
If the above method doesn’t work, then this module have not been installed. In this case use the following command to install it.
sudo apt-get install php7.0-mysql
If it helps you, please accept it as solution and give kudos.
Rahul Pandey