I added my access key to auth.json and executed composer install and I receive the following error after it appears to complete to 100%:
The "https://repo.magento.com/archives/magento/ringphp/magento-ringphp-" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/2 404 ):
"This might just be a temporary issue, please try again in a moment. If the problem persists, please contact your Adobe Account Manager to confirm that your license entitlement has not expired."
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like you are trying to install magento/ringphp/magento-ringphp.
However, when I searched for the vendor ringphp, I couldn't find any results on Adobe Marketplace or Google.
Could you provide me with more information about this extension or vendor?
Regarding the message you received, I think the file may no longer exist. You can try removing the package information from composer.lock.
Then run
composer clear-cache
composer require ringphp/magento-ringphp
In addition, to install extensions from the Magento repository, make sure you have added the username and password in auth.json.
{ "http-basic": { "repo.magento.com": { "username": "6740f88b3e493a2905a36450711b4214", "password": "*******************************" } } }
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This is what I am facing still as well. Though, I could not find the the exact solution for it. But one of my friend is using and installing it with ease.