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Installing Magento on EC2 Linux and issues with Permissions and Cron

Installing Magento on EC2 Linux and issues with Permissions and Cron

Hello All,


So we have a server running Apache 2.4 , PHP7.1, mySQL on Amazon EC2. 


We have followed the installation docs on how to install using a 2 user setup, with Apache running in the group apache and Magento with a system owner of magento_user belonging to a shared group apache. It looks like all that was done correctly and permissions set correctly.


Then we start the install using the web interface. That all goes well to.


Then we get the index and crontab message so we log in to the Magento system file owner as magento_user and install the crontab as directed in the docs. Seems to be okay. 


Then we try to install an extension and it fails because of permission issues and the crontab, shutting the whole sit down and wanting us to do a rollback.


So we take a look at the files thru filezilla and notice that some of the folders got switched to root ownership after the cron ran. And once we fix the file permission, the extension install finishes and the site gets unlocked. This of course is a mess to do every time we need to install an extension. Also after doing this a few times, we noticed that the site started running much slower, almost to a crawl.


Any thoughts of how to fix this permission issue or what is happening. It appears something is not taking with the user setup and groups.

