I have install version 2.2.4 on linux php 7.1.15, apache 2.4 enviroment. Installed properly but when i try to run command it's throwing error Mysql.
DB credetials i have set are working fine that's why it is installed but when run command getting those errors.
Did restart apach and my system despite not working. What could be the issue?
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using ubuntu as well. You need to verify following thing:
1. Are you connected to LAN? If yes then you need to mention the your lan ip for ex:. in host and create new DB user name and password with access to that database.
2. If not then you need to try to check your lampp or wampp or php console version could be possible issue in that.
verify those 2 things and let me know if you still have any issues.