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Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

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Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

What I do show installation incomplete ...check console log..
In console log it show at the end...installing admin user

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Hi @rahul_kushwaha


have you checked with url ? - sometimes it showing 99% due to few configuration of server , but magento 2 is already installed.


so check with the url you have setup magento2 , also check admin as well.


if its not works then post the error log here , so its help us to troubleshoot the issue.

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Magento 2 developers can't even make a procedure to install the software. Somebody needs to get fired asap.

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Hi @evoprimes_futu


Well , i understand you face the issue on installation level.


But As per my experience with magento 2 since last couple of years , its very easy to use and install.


if you have well defined all the software requirements completed and ready and also if you have followed the fully technology stack of magento 2 , then you will never get installation issue.


Kindly let us know currently where you stand so we can help you out on troubleshoot the issue

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Take this as food for thought: Install Magento and after install any platform that is direct competition to it. See for yourself which one is easier to install.


The current install process is not acceptable. Once you install any CMS, you should be able to use it afterwards without any workarounds or headaches.


The installation process is a pain for a lot of people(check forum posts)



Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Hi @evoprimes_futu


I understand your statement and situation both.


But as i mention above if all things are ready and handy on server level . then installation of magento 2 its too easy.


Anyways . Thanks !!



if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Hello @evoprimes_futu


please install using ssh



php bin/magento setup:install --base-url= --db-host=localhost --db-name=magento_storedb --db-user=magento_user --db-password=magento123 --admin-firstname=Michael --admin-lastname=Gotiashvili --admin-user=admin --admin-password=admin123 --backend-frontname=admin_magento --language=en_US --currency=USD --timezone=Asia/Tbilisi --cleanup-database --sales-order-increment-prefix="ORD$" --use-rewrites=1 --session-save=file

Make sure you are using fresh db.


Hope it will help you.


if it will work then mark as a solution or give kudos.


Problem solved? Click Kudos & Accept as Solution!
Sunil Patel
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer & Frontend Developer

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%


Try to follow this blog to download and install Magento 2 using CLI, I hope this may resolve your issue.

Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

Even if you meet all requirements, It is still not easy for some.


Knowing how to use SSH is a requirement with Magento 2.


While you can just install WordPress and you are up and running.


I've been using Magento for many years, and some times I wonder how many hours I could have saved if I just chose another CMS/eCommerce platform.


Almost nothing works out of the box with Magento 2.



Re: Magento 2 Installation error at 99%

I've checked both the url's and both are working as I logged-in to the admin panel. But installation is still on 99%. what should I do now? close the tab or wait to end?