I have the madarak.com site with the following server specifications and I want to install Magento 2.1.3
web server: nginx
php: 7.0.15
database: mariadb
I installed all required php modules.
The setup doesn't show any message but a blank page.
Hi @vbseyyed,
Is probably that you'll find a related message on your nginx error log. Can you take a look at that log first?
I didn't configure nginx.conf file in the root of magento and I don't khow how? There is no documentation around this subject.
I found the following link but I don't know where is the path in creating symbol link?
That links is for Magento 1 (and you said is Magento 2).
Can you take a look to this link: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.1/install-gde/trouble/php/tshoot_nginx-port.html