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Magento_User already defined

Magento_User already defined

Hi all,

I had a functioning 2.16 version of magento, but after I tried to upgrade to the 2.19, all I get is this error message and do not know how to get past it.

Any ideas?


Module 'Magento_User' from '/home/www/mysite/app/code/Magento/User' has been already defined in '/home/www/mysite/vendor/magento/module-user'.



Re: Magento_User already defined

Hi @Danielc1234,


Can you confirm if you have the module Magento_Customer on both places? I mean, there's a module Magento_Customer on /home/www/mysite/app/code/ and there is a magento-customer module on /home/www/mysite/vendor/ ?


If the answer is "Yes" can you sahre how you made the upgrade to 2.1.9?

Re: Magento_User already defined

@Damian Culotta Yes, I see the Customer module in both places.

Initially I just ftp'd the files over to the server and tried to run the upgrade from there. Then I used composer install and seemed to pull in all the files, but when I go to the URL it still gives me that error message. I would really just do a complete fresh install, but we have had custom theme work done on the site and did not want to take the chance of losing it. Made a backup of db and files, but would be nice to figure out what is going on with this upgrade.



Re: Magento_User already defined

Basically you have the same module (maybe modules) on both places so Magento is trying to load a module that it was already loaded.

My suggestion is to remove the Magento vendor directory from /app/code (you don't need to delete those files right know, you can just rename that Magento directory).

You can't have the same module on both places.