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PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

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Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

I was trying to do a local install of Magento 2.1 using XAMPP but was getting the same error message. This solution worked for me! A massive thank you!!

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

I've tried every possible solution listed here (and other "solutions" found online) and I still get the error.  Been working on this for 3 days now.  While I'm no programmer, I have been building sites for 15 years so this is driving me nuts!

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

PHP Settings Check *

Your PHP Version is 5.6.27, but always_populate_raw_post_data = 0. $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is deprecated from PHP 5.6 onwards and will be removed in PHP 7.0. This will stop the installer from running. Please open your php.ini file and set always_populate_raw_post_data to -1. If you need more help please call your hosting provider.

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

thankyouuSmiley Happy

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

FWIW, my root  php.ini was fine, but I changed a php.ini file @ /usr/lib/php.ini and that solved my problem.

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

@NEEDTOOLChina wrote:

1.Open your php.ini file,

2. Find always_populate_raw_post_data, uncomment the line and set it to -1,

3 .Save php.ini

4. Restart php or your web server.

Hi there, 

Still got confused....
How to find out php.ini on the hosting ?
I am using Godaddy Hosting and don't know how to find out where php.ini is......

Thank you.

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

I had the same issue I was searching around for days with everyone saying add this here add this there. PHP info page shows that the flag is indeed set to "-1" but the readiness check tool claims otherwise...


My fellow system admin is a marvel. Smarted guy I know. According to him:


always_populate_raw_post_data is a per directory setting.

Place a php.ini file in the magento/setup folder with the setting.


always_populate_raw_post_data = -1


The installer will now detect the flag and pass!


Thank you Ron Miller of Eaglezip!

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

@JVKeller wrote:

I had the same issue I was searching around for days with everyone saying add this here add this there. PHP info page shows that the flag is indeed set to "-1" but the readiness check tool claims otherwise...


My fellow system admin is a marvel. Smarted guy I know. According to him:


always_populate_raw_post_data is a per directory setting.

Place a php.ini file in the magento/setup folder with the setting.


always_populate_raw_post_data = -1


The installer will now detect the flag and pass!


Thank you Ron Miller of Eaglezip!

Hi There,

Thanks for your help.

I resolved this problem by adding

always_populate_raw_post_data = -1



Thanks again. 

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error

Hi, i have done after 4 hours wasting time.


If you got nothing happen after changing that file, please take care about what file location have you edited. Because /etc/php/5.6/apache2/php.ini and /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini seems similar location.


I edited /etc/php/5.6/apache2/php.ini and then solved.

Re: PHP Settings Check magento 2 error


magento 2.1.5

always_populate_raw_post_data on


set always_populate_raw_post_data to -1

same server ad-on domain others script get 500 error

if i use php 7

same problem 

i cant install magento 2