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Root folder structure different depending on where you download

Root folder structure different depending on where you download

I'm brand new to Magento and I have gone straight to M2. I had some initial issues getting M2 up and running and worked through a number of different solutions. What I have noticed is that depending on where/how you download M2 the root folder structure is different. e.g. If you pull from GitHub the app folder is:
root/app/code, design, etc, i18n (which is what I expect according to the training videos).
However if you download M2 with Sample Data (yoga shop) the structure is:
root/app/design, etc
The code folder is in


I have also tried downloading some other themes and the code folder seems to also be in the 'update' folder.


Can someone please help to clear this up as I have created a module and it works fine the GitHub version but I don't know where to put it in the others.


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