Everytime I'm switching from the English store view to the Italian's one and viceversa, it takes me to the equivalent homepage (no matters where I am) and it throws this error

Here's my setup:
SetEnvIf Host ^(.*)\.example\.com MAGE_RUN_CODE=en
SetEnvIf Host ^(.*)\.example\.com MAGE_RUN_TYPE=store
SetEnvIf Host ^(.*)\.example\.it MAGE_RUN_CODE=it
SetEnvIf Host ^(.*)\.example\.it MAGE_RUN_TYPE=store
If, for example, I'm on example.com/my-beautiful-product.html [English store view] and I'm switching to the Italian store view, it takes me to example.it and it shows that error ("The store that was requested wasn't found. Verify the store and try again.") instead of take me on example.it/my-beautiful-product.html without any errors.
Any Ideas?