Hi, I am new to Magento, just installed it last week using freehostia.com I am new to website hosting and design, but I have some technical background. After installing the sofware using the freehostia.com installer functionality, I am able to login to the admin and change configuration settings, but I am having a problem creating products.
When I create a product, I get a general error message:
"There has been an error processing your request. Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons. Error log record number: 962440177223"
Then if I return to the create products page this error is displayed.
"Method 'getExtensionAttributes' must be overridden in the interfaces which extend 'Magento\Framework\Api\ExtensibleDataInterface'. Concrete return type must be specified. Please fix :\Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductInterface"
I have tried 20+ times over the past 24 hours, and only once was I able to create the product, but after creating it,I can't edit it. Something is obviously not right.
Here is what I have installed and configured.
/usr/local/php7/bin/php /home/www/[megento install]/bin/magento cron:run
I realize there are two others that need to be set up as well, but I am waiting to order the services from freehostia before setting them up.
1. Could the issues I am having be caused by the other two cron jobs not configured?
2. How do I find the log file or information about the log # to review the error there?
3. Everything I can find out the error Method 'getExtensionAttributes' points at not having opcache.save_comments = 1 set correctly but I have verified this several times in my php.ini file What other issues may be causing this error when creating a product?
I just noticed when reviewing my admin interface, that the Magento version is actually reporting as Magento version is 2.2.6 not 2.3.0
Hello @johanna_jorgens ,
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