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Unable to open admin page or store page after installation of 2.3 Beta.

Unable to open admin page or store page after installation of 2.3 Beta.

Hi All


I am new to Magento. I installed first time yesterday 2.3 Beta on Mac. I followed all teh steps and able to create a store address and admin address using web wizard. But when i click on Launch Magento Admin, I am getting below error. I have checked in web to fix this but no luck. i have created ssl certificate using openssl too. But still no luck. Kindly help me in resolving this issue.

Below is the error i see on web browser.


There has been an error processing your request

Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.

Error log record number: 573460692916


I also checked the record mentioned above in var/report, but i am not able to understand the issue. 

 Current configuration done while installing.


./magento config:show

web/seo/use_rewrites -

web/unsecure/base_url - http://localhost/Megamart/

web/secure/base_url - https://localhost/Megamart/

web/secure/use_in_frontend - 1

web/secure/use_in_adminhtml - 1

general/locale/code - en_GB

general/locale/timezone - Asia/Kolkata

general/region/display_all - 1

general/region/state_required - BR,CA,CH,EE,ES,HR,IN,LT,LV,RO,US

currency/options/base - INR

currency/options/default - INR

currency/options/allow - INR

catalog/category/root_id - 2

msp_securitysuite_twofactorauth/duo/application_key - 4H5DfZIYahRgp8KGpdq7TkVYeqFrpEJEuoHfE7S8zJr8teC5Kq62nxKWVdXHJHcU

analytics/subscription/enabled - 1

crontab/default/jobs/analytics_subscribe/schedule/cron_expr - 0 * * * *

connector_dynamic_content/external_dynamic_content_urls/passcode - VZ5GCr0y6x6XHoDrfEO4j5M6kR2MDaO6

connector_automation/review_settings/allow_non_subscribers - 1

connector_configuration/abandoned_carts/allow_non_subscribers - 1

sync_settings/addressbook/allow_non_subscribers - 1





Re: Unable to open admin page or store page after installation of 2.3 Beta.



further to above error, i have checked php_errors.log and it give more information. it says RedisException. Since there was no Redis installed earlier, i have installed Redis using homebrew. 

Then I have restarted Apache. But the error still persists on loading admin and stores. Below is what i see still in php_errors.log file. Kindly help I am stuck for whole day on this.


[08-Nov-2018 04:50:53 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RedisException: Connection closed in /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler/Native.php:22

Stack trace:

#0 /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler/Native.php(22): SessionHandler->read('u10pg9kj5ch3aop...')

#1 /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler.php(80): Magento\Framework\Session\SaveHandler\Native->read('u10pg9kj5ch3aop...')

#2 [internal function]: Magento\Framework\Session\SaveHandler->read('u10pg9kj5ch3aop...')

#3 /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SessionManager.php(191): session_start()

#4 /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/generated/code/Magento/Backend/Model/Auth/Session/Interceptor.php(167): Magento\Framework\Session\SessionManager->start()

#5 /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SessionManager.php(127): Magento\Backend\Model\Auth\Session\Interceptor->start()

#6 /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/module-backend/Model/Auth/Sessio in /Users/Santosh/Sites/Megamart/vendor/magento/framework/Session/SaveHandler/Native.php on line 22