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We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

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We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

This is very annoying.


When trying tu run a system upgrade, i get this message.


We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository. You must manually update components as discussed in the Installation Guide.


I uninstalled Magento , and installed it again.

Same problem.

I did not clone anything.


Need help




Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

Which installation method are you using for Magento?

If you've found one of my answers useful, please give "Kudos" or "Accept as Solution" as appropriate. Thanks!

Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

I figured it out. 

When transferring all magento uncompressed files by FTP to my server, there was an error, saying that one or more files already were on server. Then I clicked on overwrite.

So, in my magento 2 installation there was a missing file, that caused this error.


this time, i transferred not all files in one operation, and this error did not come up.

So the installation is eventually working.





Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

Hi ,


Anyone have solution ??

I am facing same issue  >>

When I was trying to upgrade the system. 


Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

Hi @Lee,

I think you should upgrade using command line.

For reference:

I hope it will help you.

Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

Hi @Avologic Softwares 

You can also upgrade magento 2 using following steps.
It is very straight forward process.

// you need to add magento version which you want to upgrade
composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.3.1 --no-update
composer update
chmod -R 0777 var/ pub/ generated/
rm -rf var/cache/* pub/static/* generated/*
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush
chmod -R 0777 var/ pub/ generated/

I hope it will help you!

Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

Hi @Vimal Kumar ,

Thanks for the info. but unfortunately that's  not working .

I am using google Cloud. 

Re: We're sorry, no components are available because you cloned the Magento 2 GitHub repository.

To run : 
composer require magento/product-community-edition xxVERSIONxx --no-update
you have to add auth.json under /home/YOUR_USER/.composer/

   "github-oauth": {
     "": "<your github oauth id>"
   "http-basic": {
      "": {
         "username": "<public key>",
         "password": "<private key>"

then it will work 
this happen because product-community-edition is not public